As part of a recent Temptation blog tour for Harlequin, I was asked to answer some interview question. I thought I’d share another with you.



Multitasking… I swear it forms part of a woman’s genetic makeup. If you are blessed with ladybits then you can guarantee you are also blessed with the natural ability to perform and conduct multiple duties and tasks simultaneously.

We have a superhero power that allows us to wash the family’s clothing, cook the dinner, mentally plan the following night’s dinner, sort out a phone bill discrepancy in a language that is not our native tongue, help our eight year-old with his incomprehensible homework, praise our four year-old on her ability to pirouette without injury, all in unison and with a faux smile on our face. It’s call being woman.

So when I’m asked ‘How do you find the time to write?’ I simply say, because I have breasts. It’s that simple.

Once the children are tucked nicely into their beds and are peacefully dreaming of Barbie’s Malibu mansion and whether Batman could kick Superman’s butt, I switch from mummy-mode to romance author-mode and delve into my creative fictional world. I require peace and quiet to write. And I mean ABSOLUTE quiet, to the point where I have removed the batteries from the ticking clock that sits on my wall and that once taunted me. I even have a pair of industrial ear muffs on hand for emergencies. So when all members of my household are fast asleep and cannot interrupt me, I write. I write until my eyes blur and I can write no longer.


*I was recently asked to write up a few guest posts as part of Temptation’s Harlequin blog tour. So I thought I would share them with  you here*


Some things I learned while writing Temptation ~

Learning has no bounds; it is infinite. And that prospect alone excites me to no end. Why? Because I like to consider myself somewhat of a human sponge. Just call me SpongeBob… no, I’m kidding, don’t call me that.

Since becoming a writer, I have learned so much — some good and some bad. Probably my biggest lesson learned, on a personal level, is to always back yourself. To quote my current WIP, Attraction (book 4 in The Temptation Series):

‘If you try and fail you still succeed; for succeeding in failure is still a success’.

I truly believe this notion as I am an advocate of ‘try’ and ‘you’ve got nothing to lose’. We all strive for success, but failing in an attempt to achieve it can be just as important. If you look behind all failure, there is a lesson of value.

And speaking of those lessons, I’ve experienced many during the process of writing and publishing Temptation. One being — and shouty caps are necessary here — GET YOUR MS PROFESSIONALLY EDITED. Not just beta-read. No, you need to invest in a professional copy editor to go through your book with a fine-toothed comb. Never solely rely on yourself and your nearest and dearest to edit your own book… unless you or they are an English Professor. And even then, I would still advise you obtain that editor.

Another lesson learned is to always write the story that you want to write. Don’t veer away from your original premise or be persuaded to change tact to suit others. If you wish to dabble in something different, then do it on your own accord. I can guarantee that you will NEVER please everyone, so don’t even try.

Oh, and another thing I’ve learned while writing Temptation is that my wonderful American readers do not understand the terms: bonnet, chook, ratbags and Christmas crackers, LOL. Really? The language barrier is a funny thing and can be quite difficult to overcome. But with being an Aussie comes many Aussie-isms. I’ve always been just a teency bit stubborn and opted to stay true to my region where these are concerned. I do, however, understand that if you cater for just one nationality and their understanding of terminology, you can inevitably limit your readership. That being said, I did compromise on many terms in order to try and achieve a fair balance but stay true to writing an Australian story.



I was recently asked to write up a few guest posts as part of Temptation’s Harlequin blog tour. So I thought I would share them with  you here.


The most difficult part of writing Temptation:

There can be many difficult things to overcome when writing a novel. It could be writer’s block, interruptions, distractions or just life in general. And I can honestly say that all these facets did play a small part when writing Temptation. But for me, one of the most difficult parts was achieving balance. Perhaps that is because I am Libran and go a little cuckoo when equilibrium is absent. Honestly, all you need do is ask my husband about my OCD for balance as no picture frame on our wall is askew. ☺

When writing Temptation, it was important for me to strike a balance between fictional fantasy and real life connections and associations. At the time, I had read many books where the balance of these elements favoured one side more than the other, which was fine, because I enjoyed those books immensely nonetheless. However, the intent for my Temptation Series was to have both elements of reality and fantasy present but in equal parts. I wanted you to feel as though you, too, could be Alexis or easily step into her shoes, but at the same time be transported to a fantasy world full of extravagance and what ifs.

Another part I found difficult during the writing process of this book was the element of infidelity. The last thing I wanted was to convey the glorification of such an act. In saying that though, infidelity is a part of real life and, unfortunately, it does occur. At the end of the day, I may be a rainbow loving, fluffy, happily ever after romance author, but I do not ignore the many evils we encounter on a daily basis. All these elements are present in my stories, perfectly balanced that is… or at least I hope they are, as that was my intent 😉


The Temptation paperback is live in the Amazon store and available for purchase to all regions other than AU/NZ! (The rest of the series will follow soon)

For those in AU/NZ who would like to purchase the paperback, sit tight. It will be released in stores nationwide on May 1st.

So, for those who are in other regions of the world, do you want to hold Bryce in your hands? Yes? Well, now you can. I also plan to design some book plates at some stage and will hold comps on my Facebook pages for a chance at winning them .

Just a note in relation to the paperback: You may recognise when you first read it that it is a little different to the ebook. Well, that is because this is the final version of the story that I have reworked with Harlequin, so some changes have been made. Apart from professional editing and formatting, a couple of the changes made were the spelling of Hunny to Honey and Charlie the City Towers Receptionist is now known as Liam.

If you do decide to snap up a paperback copy using the links below, please post a pic of yourself holding it, caressing it and showing it your love onto my Facebook wall. I’d love to see it ♥







Unfortunately, I have had to temporarily take down the Temptation Series from the following stores: iBookstore, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo. This is due to adjusting my rights to sell the series in certain regions as I no longer hold those rights to sell to AU/NZ, having signed a contract with Harlequin Australia.

But rest assured, they will be back up and available for sale very soon, and I will post the links on my facey pages as soon as they are live.


The time has come for me to take down my self-published ebook versions of the Temptation Series here in Australia and New Zealand.
Harlequin Australia will be re-releasing them throughout the year, starting with Temptation on May 1st, Satisfaction in or around July and Fulfillment and Attainment in or around September. A pre-order will also be available 😀

If you do reside in Australia or New Zealand and do not wish to wait that long to purchase them, I suggest you get them now as they will be gone within 24 hours.


I have some exciting news to share with you all. And let me tell you, this is probably one of the most exciting announcements I’ll ever make. Why?  Well…*happy dances* because I can now officially reveal that The Temptation Series has been contracted to Harlequin Books Australia. YAY! I’m so excited to be working with this fabulous publishing house, one I have admired for so long.

So what does this mean for the series as a whole? Well, I have opted to sell my AU/NZ territory ebook and paperback  rights to Harlequin, which means that they will relaunch the series throughout Australia and New Zealand. (Please note that the AU/NZ territory consists of the following countries: Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Korea, Taiwan, Fiji and Indonesia)

Temptation is due for release in stores on May 1st (projected date). Satisfaction is due for release in or around July, Fulfillment and Attainment in or around September, and Attraction in or around November. *Covers face and peeks through fingers* I know, I know, Attraction’s release date has now been pushed way back. Please don’t hate me. I am TERRIBLY sorry for this and to those who have waited so long to read it. But rest assured… because in the meantime, I will be releasing a standalone novel titled: Discovering Stella. And I hope that by doing this, I will inevitably make it up to you all. But more about that another time.

What I do need to make you all aware of is that my current self-pub’d ebook versions will be pulled from the AU/NZ market VERY soon. So if you do reside in this territory and want these versions, I suggest you get them now while you still can.

Another part of my awesome news is that I get to reveal Harlequin’s Temptation Cover.

So here it is:

photo 1

Gorgeous, isn’t it?  And yes, it’s very different from my self-pub’d cover, but I LOVE that. I love its freshness, its sassy yet sexiness, its element of ambiguity.

So there you have it, the reason I have been reticent albeit silently perched on cloud nine.


KM ♥


Have you joined The Temptation Series Fan Group on Goodreads?

Chat all things Brylexis. Tell me what you are currently reading. Play fun Brylexis games. You can even buddy-read the current books I’m reading with me and discuss them in the threads listed.

So what are you waiting for? Click this link and join the group ☺ https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/119487-the-temptation-series-by-km-golland-fan-group


The very talented Shevone Lewis has—yet again—been busy creating a book trailer. This time though, for Satisfaction.

I LOVE it! It’s soooo good. Unfortunately, due to copyright restrictions, there are two separate links.

This link is for people wanting to watch it on their smartphone or iPad: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0DEQ3bLnkmaTUl5RVNxRXd3ODg/edit?pli=1


And this is the Youtube link for those who want to watch it on their computer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KAPXZax6yg&feature=youtu.be





Have you seen Temptation’s fan-made book trailer? If not then click and play…you won’t regret it.

I need to pass on my many thanks to Shevone Lewis for putting this gem together. She liaised with me during the making of the trailer and put up with my OCD. But, I can tell you, I couldn’t be happier with the result.
Thank you so much, Shevi ♥
